Glaw ysgafn heddiw, efallai gan tipyn of eira heno? Mae'r stwrn aferol canol Mis Medi. Amser tynnu tomatoes! Wel, os mae hi'n bwrw glaw heno, gobeithio bydd ddim rhew. Mae'r tywydd yn dda i meddwl am bacio i Iwerddon, beth bennag.
Gwnes i ddim ysgrifennu dros y penwythnos. Rhaid i mi geisio yn galedach y penwythnos nesaf.
Light rain today, maybe with a bit of snow tonight? It's the usual mid-September storm. Time to pick tomatoes! Well, if it's raining tonight, hopefully there won't be frost. The weather's good for thinking about packing for Ireland, anyway.
I didn't do any writing over the weekend. I have to try harder next weekend.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
Dydd Gwener / Friday
Dydd Gwener, diolch i'r Duwiau. Dim ond wythnos o bedwar dyddiau i fi, ond yn digon hir beth bynnag. Roedd y penwythnos diwethaf yn rhy brysur - digwyddiadau SCA Dydd Sadwrn a Dydd Sul, a dim ond Dydd Llun i ysgrifennu. Mwy o amser y penwythnos hon, gobeithio. Dw i wedi dechrau yr ail bennod Mab y Derwydd.
Fel ddweudes i'n gynnar, bydd y dosbarthiadau Cymraeg yn dechrau y chweched Mis Hydref. Byddwn i'n athro unwaith eto. Dw i ddim yn siwr faint o fyfyriwr bydd gynnon ni. Welen ni'n fuan. Yn y cyfamser, bydd y Cymdeithas Cymreig Colorado yn cynnal noswaith am Owain Glyndwr Nos Sadwrn y 3dd Hydref, a byddwn i yno gan copiau fy llyfrau. Mae mwy o wybodaeth yma.
Friday, thank the Gods. Only a four day week for me, but long enough anyway. Last weekend was too busy - SCA events Saturday and Sunday, and only Monday for writing. More time this weekend, hopefully. I've started the second chapter of The Druid's Son.
As I said earlier, Welsh classes will start on the 6th of October. I'll be a teacher again. I'm not sure how many students we'll have. We'll see soon. In the meantime, the Colorado Welsh Society will be holding an evening about Owain Glyndwr on Saturday the 3rd of October, and I'll be there with copies of my books. There's more information here.
Fel ddweudes i'n gynnar, bydd y dosbarthiadau Cymraeg yn dechrau y chweched Mis Hydref. Byddwn i'n athro unwaith eto. Dw i ddim yn siwr faint o fyfyriwr bydd gynnon ni. Welen ni'n fuan. Yn y cyfamser, bydd y Cymdeithas Cymreig Colorado yn cynnal noswaith am Owain Glyndwr Nos Sadwrn y 3dd Hydref, a byddwn i yno gan copiau fy llyfrau. Mae mwy o wybodaeth yma.
Friday, thank the Gods. Only a four day week for me, but long enough anyway. Last weekend was too busy - SCA events Saturday and Sunday, and only Monday for writing. More time this weekend, hopefully. I've started the second chapter of The Druid's Son.
As I said earlier, Welsh classes will start on the 6th of October. I'll be a teacher again. I'm not sure how many students we'll have. We'll see soon. In the meantime, the Colorado Welsh Society will be holding an evening about Owain Glyndwr on Saturday the 3rd of October, and I'll be there with copies of my books. There's more information here.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Welsh language classes in Denver
The Colorado Welsh Society's Welsh language classes will be starting again soon - see the class blog for more details. Cymru am byth!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Writing and thinking
I've got a little more work done on the new book this week. I also started a sort of pre-publication page for it on LibraryThing, for those who are curious, and will be adding to it from time to time.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ysgrifennu a garddio / Writing and gardening...

Mi gais i tipyn mwy o waith wedi gwneud ar y lyfr nesa dros y penwythnos. Meddwl yn bennaf, ond tipyn o ysgrifenny hefyd. Mi awn ni i'r Iwerddon am pethefnos yn Mis Hydref, a bydda i'n gallu weld y leoedd ble bydd y stori yn cael ei digwydd. Dw i'n edrych ymlaen ato fo!
Mae'r tomatoes yn dal ato, a dw i wedi gwneud lawer o chutney eleni. Wn i ddim pryd byddwn ni'n cael y rhew cyntaf - cyn bo Mis Hydref, yn debyg.
I got a bit more work done on the next book over the weekend. Mostly thinking, but a bit of writing as well. We're going to Ireland for a fortnight in October, and I'll be able to see the places where the story will happen. I'm looking forward to that!
The tomatoes are keeping at it, and I've made a lot of chutney this year. I don't know when we'll get the first frost - before October, probably.
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