Friday, October 26, 2012
Oh dear, another week's gone by with no new post. Well, I've been busy - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was mostly spent getting the garage ready to bring in some tender plants before the snow which arrived Wednesday night, and incidentally doing my best to evict a squirrel which was trying to take up residence there.(Yes, I eventually succeeded.) Nasty weather yesterday - several inches of wet snow before leaf-drop is not good, but fortunately no power outages, in this neighborhood, at least. Nicer today - 30's F but sunny, which has helped.
Still involved with tidying up publishing loose ends for The Druid's Son - got a bulk order today. Yesterday I got the proof copy for the global distribution version and approved that, so (Gods willing) it should be on Amazon etc before Christmas. I've also set up a hardback version, available on Lulu only. All in all, no lack of things to keep me busy!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
It feels strange not to be writing or proofreading; I'll have to start another project soon. In the meantime, I'm looking for reviewers, and cleaning house (long overdue), and doing autumn cleanup in the garden. We've been having another run of warm weather, common this time of year, but it probably won't last much longer.
A cat picture today: Titus waiting by the cold frame for his fresh catnip (inside the wire cage you can see next to him).

A cat picture today: Titus waiting by the cold frame for his fresh catnip (inside the wire cage you can see next to him).

Thursday, October 11, 2012
Still here, just busy. Weather's gone back to seasonal normal (no snow), but that's OK. I'm still doing what I hope will be the final proofreading pass on the book - hope to have the paperback available on Lulu and copies for sale locally before the end of the month.
Friday, October 5, 2012
What a difference a day makes... Woke up this morning expecting to see the first frost of the season, and instead saw this...

We'll see what's left when it melts off - which it's already doing - but I think I can safely say that summer is over.

We'll see what's left when it melts off - which it's already doing - but I think I can safely say that summer is over.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
A little more book news: Smashwords has cleared The Druid's Son for premium distribution, which means it should show up on Barnes & Noble, Sony, and Apple in a couple of weeks, possibly sooner. This is very fast turn-around; clearly I did a good job with my formatting.
Gardening-wise, it still looks like we should get a killing frost this weekend, although it's currently 78 F by my back door. I need to relocate a few vulnerable plants, but otherwise the garden is about over for the year. The cold frame is beginning to be very full of geraniums...

Gardening-wise, it still looks like we should get a killing frost this weekend, although it's currently 78 F by my back door. I need to relocate a few vulnerable plants, but otherwise the garden is about over for the year. The cold frame is beginning to be very full of geraniums...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Now that I'm (momentarily) not writing, it's time to tend to all the other stuff which accumulated. Garden cleanup is one item, and it's a beautiful day out there (so why am I in here typing?). Time to pick the last of the veggies, since it looks like we may be getting a killing frost soon (Friday night, maybe!).
Garden picture of the day: asters. Go to it, bees, not much time left...

Garden picture of the day: asters. Go to it, bees, not much time left...

Monday, October 1, 2012
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