Friday, January 30, 2009

Yma o hyd / Still here

Mae'n drwg gen i, dw i ddim wedi bod yn "blogi" ers y penwythnos. Ddecreais i un pennod arall nos Llun (neu roedd hi nos Sul?), ond mae lawer o bethau wedi bod yn digwydd. Gobeithio mi alla' i orffen Pennod 27 y penwythnos 'ma, ac efallai dechreu y pennod nesaf.

Mae'r penwythnos 'ma calan gwanwyn hefyd ... mwy ohoni hi yn fuan.
I'm sorry I haven't been blogging since the weekend. I started one more chapter Monday night (or was it Sunday night?), but lots of things have happened. I hope I can finish Chapter 27 this weekend, and perhaps start the next chapter.

This weekend is the first of spring too ... more about that soon.



  1. I just saw on the AmeriCymru social network site's new Store-via-Amazon a pop-up of "Storyteller" featured, for 10% off to boot. Thought you'd like to know the happenstance. The Store's only been up a day or two. Perhaps letting AC know about your own lists that link to it may help spread the word about Welsh books?

  2. Interesting. I don't think I've looked at that site before - thanks for pointing it out.
